I am fascinated by a great title, if it does a good job it gets your attention right away. Where does your page start? Often it's the photos or the story you want to tell. The title is the place where telling that story begins. Today I challenge you to make your title the second runner up on your page - right behind your photos or maybe even the shining start itself. Maybe your photos don't quite tell the story you are after or maybe you don't even have any photos for the story that needs to get out!
I found this fantastic page in the ScrapMatters gallery a while back and bookmarked it. Fonnetta did a wonderful job drawing me in, how about you?

You read the title and then saw the photo of the lovely child and wanted to know more...right? Didn't you read the journaling and then admire the beautiful colors and design of the page? Yup, me too! I said "awwww" then "awwww" then a few more! Everything that I love about scrapbooking is illustrated in this page. I feel something when I look at this page. I want to cheer for this little girl and her parents!
So now I ask you, what is music to your ears? Is it your baby giggling? Your cat purring? Kids laughing in the sprinklers? Your husband snoring? (Don't laugh, sometimes I find it comforting...he's still breathing!) Your car revving up? The wind blowing through the trees? Your phone notifying you that it's your turn to play Words With Friends? Now go scrapbook it!
Fonetta's page was created using Chelle's & Ellise's Pieces collab "In Harmony"

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