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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wre-vise, Wre-write, Wednesday: Interview

Try writing a story by interviewing someone. My dh called his mom and asked her these questions, taken from the Cherish Bound Birth Story Starter. (need one? Email me)
Tell me about our family before I was born.
Dad and I were going to UofI. We lived in a small apartment on Oregon Street across the street from Leal school. We rented the upstairs apartment from a Jewish couple—they lived downstairs. Dad worked at the library on campus. We had dinner Christmas day with his boss.
When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
I knew I had missed a cycle, but I was feeling very tired and run-down. I went to the McKinley Health Center to see why I was sick.
What was your reaction to the news?
I was stunned…but happy. Dad was happy too.
Did you have any weird food cravings?
I craved tart things, sour things-like lemons.
What advice were you given?
Grandma Hattie told me babies had to wear undershirts.
Tell me about when I was born?
We went to the hospital late on Christmas Day. Dr. Huffman came straight from a Christmas dinner in his suit. He calmly flung his suit coat over a chair, put on his surgical gown, and washed up with betadine. You were born at 3:30 AM on December 26th. You had apgar scores of 10 and 10. They immediately laid you on my chest.
How did you feel when you held me for the first time?
I was nervous. I had never held a baby before. I was worried about your soft spot and supporting your head.
How did Dad feel when he held me for the first time?
He was very relaxed about the whole thing. That helped me remain calm.
How did things go once we went home?
We stayed in the hospital for 4 days—that was typical then as they didn’t make you get up and walk around. Dad took us home. I remember felling very blessed to have you. You were such a beautiful baby. I was so worried about hand washing and sanitation—I made your Dad wash his hands before touching you.
Tell me about my room/bed?
You slept in a small crib in our room. We lived in a one bedroom apartment.
Did anyone come to help you?
Bea came for the first week—she slept on the couch. When you would wake up, your Dad would get up and bring you to me so I could feed you. After a couple days he would say he was “losing his mind” because of lack of sleep. When he did, Bea would swipe at something in the air. Then “hand” Dad his “mind.”
Anything else you remember?
At six weeks old your were sleeping through the night.
You grew so fast. Dr. Greenwold was alarmed by your weight gain. You went from 8 lbs to 12 lbs that first month. He was afraid of obesity, so when we could feed you cow’s milk, he had us put you on 2% rather than whole milk.

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