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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wre-vise, Wre-write, Wednesday: perspective

Write your story to an inanimate object. I wrote this story on Monday, but while thinking about editing, I decided this approach would be best:

I’m sorry little monkey. You see, I’m not very good at video games, but we enjoy playing together as a family so much, that THIS is what I wanted to do for mother’s day—to play a MARATHON game with our family. I’m sorry that the anvil keeps hitting you on the head. I’m really just trying to get enough points to win the round. I’m sorry that your brain keeps getting fried in the wrecked airplane—I’m not very fast at pushing the red button. I’m sorry that the lion bites your head, and that the drumming monkey throws cocoanuts at you when I miss the beat. I’m sorry you fall out of the sky or into the water when I can’t aim, but you are the fastest at selecting the differently dressed hippo. And no one is quicker on the draw than you. I’ll keep trying and maybe someday you’ll be at the top of the tree.

Not all stories work with this method, but it is an option to consider.
What's your story?

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